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BR -Klassik CD-Tip

“[…] Lilith and Lulu, beings of the night, illustrated with dark, often unearthly sounds. Andreas Mader and Christos Papandreopoulos manage to turn these figures to the world. Through the equivalence between saxophone and piano, the succession of soloistic parts and the juxtaposition of bright and dark colors, they become approachable, vivid and pictorial […] ”

full review (in German)

Klassik-Heute Recommendation

Stefan Pieper


“[…] On his saxophone, Andreas Mader unfolds an unpredictable musical speach full of bursting Sforzato eruptions and tonal tightrope walks, often reaching the limit of the playable. Extremely responsive are the piano impulses of Christos Papandreopoulos. [...] Until then, Andreas Mader and Christos Papandreopoulos have created enough images and passed them via their instruments very effectively to their listeners – not to mention the sheer unbelievably differentiated tonal and sonic range, which especially saxophonist Andreas Mader produces on his instrument! […]
full review (in German)

NRC Handelsblad

Joep Christenhusz


“[…] Their interpretation of Berg’s Vier Stücke makes clear why the pair were recently selected for the Dutch Classical Talent Tour 2019/20. Wonderful how much colour Papandreopoulos knows to put in a piano chord in the Sehr langsam. […]”

Leeuwarder Courant

Rudolph Nammensma


“[…] This is a top duo that works out contemporary compositions in an atmospheric and interpreative way, right down to the smallest nuances. […]”

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“[…] In all compositions, Mader shines with a phenomenal mastery of the sound. And together with the pianist he succeeds in fascinatingly exciting interpretations.”

Tiroler Tageszeitung

Markus Hauser


“ […] Seductive, frivolous, mournful, whiny, melancholic, earthy, metallic, sighing, aggressive, terrifying, vehemently gripping: With hardly any other instrument can the range of emotional states be better represented than with the saxophone - if one is able to. The saxophonist Andreas Mader from Jochberg draws on this abundance of sound qualities when, together with the Greek pianist Christos Papandreopoulus, he depicts the portrait of two legendary women on the debut CD "Lilith & Lulu" published on 7 Mountain Records […]”

full review (in German)


Johanna Schweinester,


“Magnificent classic concert
[…] The Duo celebrated the works with high emotions and perfect technique, which was rewarded by the audience‘s frenetic applauding […]“

full review (in German)


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